Professor Stephen Davis’ public talk highlighted the importance of recognising the signs of stroke. Time is of the essence for effective treatment, so just remember the word “FAST”, as recommended by the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand. Each one of the letters in FAST stands for a word which you can use to uncover a symptom of stroke and get help.
F=Face - Ask the person to smile. If one side of the face appears crooked or drooping this person may be having a stroke
A=Arms - Ask the person to lift both of his or her arms in the air--if he or she has difficulty with one arm this too might be a sign that this person is having a stroke
S=Speech - Ask the person to speak. If his or her words are slurred or they are unable to speak, they might be having a stroke
T=Time. If any of the above symptoms are present you must call 111 immediately in order to make sure that this person reaches the hospital FAST.
taken from the autumn issue 2011 e-book for The Center for Brain Research. This center is located in Auckland, New the Auckland University
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